Cube Floor Flyer Lift

Why should you go for a Floor Flyer elevator? What are the Pros and Cons of going for a Floor Flyer lift?

Pros of going for a Cube Floor Flyer Elevator

Can be installed within a space of 3 feet width by 4 feet depth

Very quick installation time of 3 days

Affordable Price

Floor Flyer can run on 3KVA single phase residential Invertor

In case of emergency rescue, lift can be brought to ground level manually by pressing a lever which is fixed inside the cabin itself. We need not wait for third person to rescue us.

Its a wall mounted elevator, Pitless, headroom less and machine room less, the machine is inside the cabin.

No rope, no hydraulic oil as this system runs on Screw based technology

No change in power bill as it consumes negligible power. 1000 watts or one unit, if you use it for an hour in a day.

As it’s a retrofit model, this elevator can also be moved easily to some other place, if you want to shift your home. This is very ideal for people who stay in rented homes and best-suited lift for any existing home.


Cons / Challenges of choosing a Floor Flyer Elevator

It has a speed of 0.15 m/s and cannot be increased and will take approximately 20 seconds to travel one floor, as this is a regulation for home lift in India and need not have to be inspected in such a case.

As machine is inside the cabin, while lift is running, you will here a light noise, just like a residential mixer grinder.

This model can be installed only for one floor travel.

Frequently asked questions

Before choosing a Floor Flyer for your home or a commercial complex you must go through with every question which is mentioned below.
What is a Cube Floor Flyer?

Floor Flyer consists of a Screw, which is fixed on both corners on which a Nut moves up and down. Nut, in fact, is connected through a belt to a motor which is fixed to the back side of the cabin. Whenever motor runs, as the cabin and motor are connected, the whole system will move up and down. This system is quite simple and used in many types of equipment for more than hundred years by now.

How does a Floor Flyer work?

When the motor rotates the belt which connects the motor and the nut, the whole system which can move on the fixed screw would move up or down depending on the direction of rotation. The beauty of this system is that the motor brake lever can be accessed from the cabin in case of emergency. So, if there is any technical or unknown issue and if the elevator is stuck in between floors, then passenger who travels can bring the lift cabin down to the ground level and need not wait for the third person help.

How much power does a this Lift consume?

When the elevator is not in use, it still consumes about 12 watts per hour and so a minimum bill of Rs 150 per month would come.
For a 2 Passenger Floor Flyer for Ground+1 floor, you will have a 1000-watt machine and the time it would take to reach the first floor (10 feet) is 20 seconds. So, if you use the lift up and down for one cycle it takes about 40 seconds and if you use it for one hour it consumes about 1 unit as it has a 1000 watt motor. So, for 90 cycles it consumes 1 unit on an average Rs 10 is charged in India for a unit. i.e 12 paisa or Rs 0.12 for one cycle which is minimum across the globe for an elevator.

When should you opt a Floor Flyer?

If you do not want to go for a pit, headroom and machine room above the lift or even in ground level, then the right choice is choosing for a Floor Flyer. Also if your staircase is located inside the house then go for Floor Flyer lift as the machine is inside the cabin, it is easy to access in case of emergency. It can be only used if the lifting is only for one floor.

Is pit required in a Floor Flyer?

If you do not wish to have a pit for your lift, then you would go for a 6-inch step in front of the elevator. Or else you much at least go for a 6 inches pit. The reason behind this is due to the bottom of the cabin should be strong enough to carry the load.

What is the cost of a One Floored Lift or Floor Flyer?

Floor Flyer would cost Rs 585000 + 18 % GST  =  Rs 690300 including installation and transportation across all major cities in India.