Get Best Elevator Controllers at Affordable Price

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Elevator Control Panels

Elevator Controllers:

Our company has achieved laurels in offering Elevator Controller.

Primarily used for dominating the elevators.


Advantages of Elevator Controllers:

* Quality performance
* Used for controlling the elevators
* Equipped with high precision machined components
* Specifications:
* Micro processor based controller
* Open logic parameters set according to site requirement
* Auto rescue device enabled
* Control Panel is designed and manufactured in house
* Self assessment of problems displayed on screen
* Highest safety features for traveling
* Automatic re-leveling
* Built-in VVVF type for smooth start and stops
* Auto shut down in case of over shooting


Buy an Elevator Controller Today

+91 7032482220

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Our company has achieved laurels in offering Elevator Controller.

Other information:

Primarily used for dominating the elevators.


* Quality performance
* Used for controlling the elevators
* Equipped with high precision machined components
* Specifications:
* Micro processor based controller
* Open logic parameters set according to site requirement
* Auto rescue device enabled
* Control Panel is designed and manufactured in house
* Self assessment of problems displayed on screen
* Highest safety features for traveling
* Automatic re-leveling
* Built-in VVVF type for smooth start and stops
* Auto shut down in case of over shooting

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